
clock set
to set clock in format hh:mm:ss day of month year
subcommand conf term:hostname Router_New_name
clock rate
to set clock rate, on a DCE side
bandwidth 56
bandwidth 56 = 56 kbps bandwidth 102400 = FastEthernet (100 Mb)
show ip interfaces brief
to view ALL interfaces with IPs and STATUS
to restart router
erase startup config obnulit konfiguraciu (deletes the configuration stored in NVRAM)
copy running-config startup config
save to nvram

Password related commands

show running config
view all passwords
(no) enable secret

to set "enable secret" password for ENABLE mode, the main one

commands, that only affect fake "enable password" password

enable password
to set fake password, "butaforia", should not be the same as main "enable secret" one

output of the show run command before turning on password encryption
service password
to turn on service password encryption
service password-encryption
output of the show run command after turning on password encryption

commands for telnet sessions

no login
to disable prompting for a password

output of show run command if prompting is disabled

sequence of (no)login (no)password

login, password 1234
creates prompitng and a password, allso displays motd message if set
no login, password 1234
no login, no password
vpuskaet v telnet sessiu bez vsego
login, no password
refuses telnet connection, explaining that no password is set
no password then login
router asks to set a password first
login local
login local - to take froml local config database (not from line)
username kote privileged 15 password uuu
to enter direct into enable mode
who same as sh users
to view connections
clear line 77
to delete user
7 steps for making it possible to connect a router via ssh
hostname MyRouter to set a hostname
ip domain-name to set the domain name(required for the encryption keys to be generated)
crypto key generate rsa general-keys modulus 512 to generate the encryption keys
ip ssh time-out 60 to set time-out (sys stdio)
ip ssh authentication-retries 2 to set number of failed attempts
line vty 0 1180 to set number of simultaneus sessions
transport input ssh telnet to configure access protocols(SSH, Telnet)

Resetting forgoten password

press Ctrl PauseBreak
confreg 0X2142 reset
confreg and then reset (reload in IOS) commands
enable enter privileged mode to change password lately
copy startup-config running-config to put last saved configuration into RAM
enable secret new_password to create a new password
copy running-config startup-config to save running configuration into NVRAM
config-register 0x2102 to bring back normal booting
overwrite option
show controllers s0/0 to view Dte or Dce and clock rate
| include Router#show running-config | include ip http
exec-timeout 10 0
analog sys stdio in modems (set to 10 minutes 0 seconds now),0 0 - never logout
logging synchronous
to stop annoying console messages from popping up and disrupting the input
banner motd to see a message when logging into the router